Actualités MediaThe Misadventure of a French Gentleman Without Pants at the Zandvoort Beach 1905

Comment regarder Le film The Misadventure of a French Gentleman Without Pants at the Zandvoort Beach 1905

'Zandvoort in an uproar! On Saturday morning at roughly 10 o’clock, with beautiful weather and calm seas, a Frenchman sat in a beach chair to gaze upon the magnificent view that the sea always affords, until he slowly began to fall asleep’ So begins a report in the ‘Zandvoortsche Courant’ of July 25, 1905. The article explains how the man was faced with the oncoming tide, and – to the amazement of the audience – took off his trousers to prevent them from being ruined by the saltwater. While trying to escape from the policeman who had rushed to the scene, he jumps into a passing car, and hides out in a small changing cabin. Eventually he's nabbed by the police. Accompanied by a band and a large crowd, he is escorted to the police station. The article ends by saying that ‘Messrs. Alberts Frères’ had staged the whole incident for a film in which two of the most popular genres of that period - the locally-shot film and the chase film – would be combined.

Des informations sur le film :

  • Titre : The Misadventure of a French Gentleman Without Pants at the Zandvoort Beach.
  • Genre : Comedy.
  • Produit : Netherlands.
  • production : Alberts Frères .
  • Avec la participation de : Willy Mullens..
  • Date de réalisation du film : 1905-07-27

Comment regarder Le film The Misadventure of a French Gentleman Without Pants at the Zandvoort Beach 1905

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