Actualités MediaDear Censor… The secret archive of the British Board of Film Classification 2011

Comment regarder Le film Dear Censor… The secret archive of the British Board of Film Classification 2011

Lifting the lid on the world of cinema censorship, this programme has unique access to the files of the British Board of Film Classification. Featuring explicit and detailed exchanges between the censor and film-makers, 'Dear Censor' casts a wry eye over some of the most infamous cases in the history of the board. From the now seemingly innocuous Rebel Without a Cause, the first 'naturist' films and the infamous works of Ken Russell, and up to Rambo III, this frank and surprisingly warm documentary demonstrates how a body created by the industry to safeguard standards and reflect shifts in public opinion has also worked unexpectedly closely with the film-makers themselves to ensure that their work was able reach an audience.

Des informations sur le film :

  • Titre : Dear Censor… The secret archive of the British Board of Film Classification.
  • Genre : TV Movie, History, Documentary.
  • Produit : United Kingdom.
  • production : N/A .
  • Avec la participation de : Craig Lapper, Christopher Frayling, Kim Newman, Michael Winner, Ken Penry, Mark Kermode, Linda Ruth Williams, Carol Topolski, Alex Boyle, Sophie Cole,Cornelius Garrett, Christopher Frayling..
  • Date de réalisation du film : 2011-09-29

Comment regarder Le film Dear Censor… The secret archive of the British Board of Film Classification 2011

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