Actualités MediaKaizoku Sentai Gokaiger: Let's Make an Extremely GOLDEN Show of it! The 36-Stage Gokai Change!! 2011

Comment regarder Le film Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger: Let's Make an Extremely GOLDEN Show of it! The 36-Stage Gokai Change!! 2011

In this special, Captain Marvelous and Gai are accidentally fused together in one body during Insarn's attempt to put Gai inside Karizorg, ("Kari" meaning "Temporary"), the empty shell of Barizorg. Determined to retrieve Insarn's gun and reverse the process, the duo transform into a hybrid form of Gokai Silver with Gokai Red's helmet and boots, and change into the red warriors from the past 34 Super Sentai while battling dozens of Gormin Sailors. When Insarn fuses Karizorg with a Zugormin to create Zugozorg, the duo use the Gold Anchor Key to become Gokai Red Gold Mode and finish off Zugozorg before taking Insarn's gun and forcing her to retreat. Back aboard the Gokai Galleon, after Captain Marvelous and Gai successfully have their bodies separated, Gai offers the Captain a strawberry/vanilla swirl ice cream.

Des informations sur le film :

  • Titre : Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger: Let's Make an Extremely GOLDEN Show of it! The 36-Stage Gokai Change!!.
  • Genre : Action, Comedy, Science Fiction.
  • Produit : Japan.
  • production : Toei Company .
  • Avec la participation de : Ryota Ozawa, Junya Ikeda, Yukari Tamura, Kikuko Inoue, Gaku Shindou..
  • Date de réalisation du film : 2011-11-01

Comment regarder Le film Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger: Let's Make an Extremely GOLDEN Show of it! The 36-Stage Gokai Change!! 2011

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