Actualités MediaThree Ballets by Kenneth MacMillan: Elite Syncopations/The Judas Tree/Concerto 2010

Comment regarder Le film Three Ballets by Kenneth MacMillan: Elite Syncopations/The Judas Tree/Concerto 2010

"MacMillan's vision has been vital in shaping The Royal Ballet's style and repertory, and what better way to appreciate his art than with this rare chance to experience three contrasting works in a single performance. Abstract, dramatic, humorous - this programme gives a wonderfully varied introduction not just to MacMillan's work but to the beauty and dramatic power of ballet itself. Concerto, to Shostakovich's Second Piano Concerto, contrasts moments of exuberance and elegiac reflection. The Judas Tree places a single woman among 13 men to enact a harrowing event that is recognizably contemporary but with biblical overtones. Elite Syncopations completes the programme with a sparkling evocation of a dance hall that brings ragtime rhythms to the dance, and a ragtime band to the stage.

Des informations sur le film :

  • Titre : Three Ballets by Kenneth MacMillan: Elite Syncopations/The Judas Tree/Concerto.
  • Genre : Music.
  • Produit : United Kingdom.
  • production : The Royal Ballet .
  • Avec la participation de : Sarah Lamb, Steven McRae, Carlos Acosta, Leanne Benjamin, Edward Watson, Marianela Núñez, Rupert Pennefather, Yuhui Choe, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House..
  • Date de réalisation du film : 2010-01-01

Comment regarder Le film Three Ballets by Kenneth MacMillan: Elite Syncopations/The Judas Tree/Concerto 2010

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