Actualités MediaAmerica's Toughest Jobs 2008

Comment regarder la series TV America's Toughest Jobs 2008

America's Toughest Jobs is a reality television show that lasted one season and aired on the American television network NBC. It pitted contestants against each other as they attempted a series of difficult and dangerous jobs. The prize was the sum of the salaries that would be earned by people doing these jobs in their first year. The show's creator and executive producer was Thom Beers, notable for creating shows such as Deadliest Catch and Monster Garage. Some of the jobs he chose to be featured on America's Toughest Jobs were featured on shows he previously created. The host was Josh Temple, a character actor who had minor roles in shows such as Will & Grace and Curb Your Enthusiasm. In each episode, contestants took part in tasks associated with a job, and were supervised and evaluated by workers or employers in that business. After spending time on the job, the supervisors selected one or more top employees for praise, and selected the employees who had the worst performances. Those employees were required to compete head-to-head in an additional challenge to determine who would be eliminated. For example, in the gold digging episode, the bottom four contestants were required to spend additional time digging for gold with the contestant who found the least amount eliminated. Once there were four contestants remaining, timed challenges were held for three of the season's toughest jobs with the contestant who had the slowest time at each eliminated until a winner was determined. At the end of each episode, an information screen was shown that detailed what the eliminated contestant decided to do after the show.

Informations sur la séries TV America's Toughest Jobs

  • Titre : America's Toughest Jobs.
  • Genre : Reality.
  • Produit : Non connu .
  • production : Original Productions ,BermanBraun.
  • Avec la participation de : Josh Temple..
  • Date de réalisation de la séries : 2008-10-25

Comment regarder La série TV America's Toughest Jobs 2008

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DVD ou Blu-ray

Si vous préférez une copie physique, vous pouvez chercher le DVD ou le Blu-ray de "America's Toughest Jobs" dans les magasins spécialisés ou les grandes enseignes. C'est une excellente option pour les collectionneurs ou ceux qui apprécient une qualité d'image supérieure..

Événements Cinématographiques :

Certains cinémas organisent des événements spéciaux où ils projettent des séries TV cultes sur grand écran. Renseignez-vous auprès de vos cinémas locaux pour savoir s'ils prévoient une projection de "America's Toughest Jobs" lors d'un événement rétro.

Chaînes de Télévision Spécialisées :

Parfois, des chaînes de télévision dédiées au cinéma diffusent des classiques comme "America's Toughest Jobs" lors de leurs programmations spéciales. Jetez un œil aux guides TV pour voir si le film est programmé prochainement..

Bibliothèques et Médiathèques :

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